Fast Guides: Huntsman - Guild Wars 2 Crafting Guide (2024)

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Initial Cost
Expected Recovery
- 33498
Expected Final Cost

10 Apprentice Maintenance Oil - Sold for 5 per via Max Buyout

40 Artisan Maintenance Oil - Sold for 124 per via Max Buyout

19 Precise Green Wood Torch - Sold for 35 per via Max Buyout

19 Hearty Soft Wood Short Bow - Sold for 90 per via Max Buyout

10 Malign Green Wood Warhorn - Sold for 57 per via Max Buyout

19 Berserker's Elder Wood Warhorn - Sold for 152 per via Max Buyout

12 Valkyrie Elder Wood Warhorn - Sold for 137 per via Max Buyout

1 Berserker's Krait Whelk - Sold for 2660 per via Max Buyout

1 Knight's Krait Whelk - Sold for 3861 per via Max Buyout

9 Knight's Hard Wood Warhorn - Sold for 117 per via Max Buyout

1 Berserker's Krait Brazier - Sold for 3595 per via Max Buyout

1 Knight's Krait Brazier - Sold for 2504 per via Max Buyout

13 Rejuvenating Soft Wood Short Bow - Sold for 104 per via Max Buyout

19 Rejuvenating Seasoned Wood Longbow - Sold for 72 per via Max Buyout

1 Minor Sigil of Icebrood Slaying - Sold for 92 per via Max Buyout

8 Major Sigil of Icebrood Slaying - Sold for 123 per via Max Buyout

13 Giver's Soft Wood Longbow - Sold for 135 per via Vendor

1 Assassin's Krait Brazier - Sold for 1787 per via Max Buyout

The API key you enter needs 'inventories' permissions for bank items and 'unlocks' for recipes.
You can generate a key here.

Clicking the button will update the quantities of all items in your bank and material storage that are used in this guide.

Name of an item and its per unit cost.

Remaining Cost


Jug of Water (8 per from Vendor)

Lump of Primordium (48 per from Vendor)


672 , Master Craftsman or Vendor

672 , Master Craftsman or Vendor

672 , Master Craftsman or Vendor

Total : 2016
Remaining Cost

COLLECTIBLES(Check Bank First or Buy on TP)

Bronze Ingot (90 per)

Mithril Ore (78 per)

Platinum Ore (242 per)

Elder Wood Log (56 per)

Green Wood Log (35 per)

Hard Wood Log (158 per)

Soft Wood Log (53 per)

Seasoned Wood Log (115 per)

Thin Leather Section (30 per)

Coarse Leather Section (64 per)

Pile of Glittering Dust (50 per)

Pile of Luminous Dust (569 per)

Tiny Venom Sac (5 per)

Small Scale (51 per)

Smooth Scale (319 per)

Large Scale (71 per)

Vial of Potent Blood (71 per)

Totem (293 per)

Tiny Claw (7 per)

Large Claw (73 per)

Corrupted Fragment (54 per)

Corrupted Shard (282 per)

Remaining Cost

Mixed (Buy on TP)

Seasoned Longbow Stave (1193 per)

Bronze Plated Dowel (247 per)

Elder Wood Dowel (76 per)

Green Wood Dowel (27 per)

Seasoned Wood Dowel (82 per)

Soft Wood Dowel (37 per)

Valkyrie Mithril Plated Inscription (995 per)

Rejuvenating Iron Plated Inscription (804 per)

Giver's Steel-Plated Inscription (3890 per)

Lucent Mote (69 per)

Symbol of Pain (1240 per)


Tier 1. Levels 0-75:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.

6 Jug of Water (8 per)

10 Bronze Plated Dowel (247 per)

58 Bronze Ingot (90 per)

174 Green Wood Log (35 per)

19 Green Wood Dowel (27 per)

8 Pile of Glittering Dust (50 per)

80 Tiny Venom Sac (5 per)

57 Tiny Claw (7 per)

Cost: 15540 (Rolling Total: 15540)

Level: 0

Make: 58 Green Wood Plank

Make: 41 Pile of Lucent Crystal

Make: 19 Green Torch Handle

Make: 19 Bronze Torch Head

Make: 10 Bronze Warhorn Mouthpiece

Make: 10 Bronze Horn


Jug of Water (3)
Pile of Glittering Dust (4)

Make: 1 Apprentice Maintenance Oil

Level: 25

Make: 19 Precise Green Inscription


Green Torch Handle (1)
Bronze Torch Head (1)
Precise Green Inscription (1)

Make: 18 Precise Green Wood Torch

Level: 50

Make: 10 Malign Bronze Plated Inscription


Bronze Warhorn Mouthpiece (1)
Bronze Horn (1)
Malign Bronze Plated Inscription (1)

Make: 9 Malign Green Wood Warhorn

Tier 2. Levels 75-150:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.

256 Soft Wood Log (53 per)

192 Thin Leather Section (30 per)

19 Soft Wood Dowel (37 per)

13 Rejuvenating Iron Plated Inscription (804 per)

57 Small Scale (51 per)

Cost: 33390 (Rolling Total: 48930)

Level: 75

Make:128 Soft Wood Plank

Make: 96 Cured Thin Leather Square

Make: 32 Soft Short-Bow Stave

Make: 32 Thin String


Make: 19 Hearty Soft Inscription


Soft Short-Bow Stave (1)
Thin String (1)
Hearty Soft Inscription (1)

Make: 18 Hearty Soft Wood Short Bow



Soft Short-Bow Stave (1)
Thin String (1)
Rejuvenating Iron Plated Inscription (1)

Make: 12 Rejuvenating Soft Wood Short Bow

Tier 3. Levels 150-225:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.

19 Seasoned Longbow Stave (1193 per)

156 Seasoned Wood Log (115 per)

192 Coarse Leather Section (64 per)

19 Seasoned Wood Dowel (82 per)

57 Totem (293 per)

1 Corrupted Fragment (54 per)

13 Giver's Steel-Plated Inscription (3890 per)

10 Lucent Mote (69 per)

1 Symbol of Pain (1240 per)

Cost: 123708 (Rolling Total: 172638)


Make: 96 Cured Coarse Leather Square

Make: 52 Seasoned Wood Plank

Make: 32 Coarse String

Make: 13 Seasoned Longbow Stave


Corrupted Fragment (1)
Symbol of Pain (1)
Pile of Lucent Crystal (1)


Make: 19 Rejuvenating Seasoned Inscription


Seasoned Longbow Stave (1)
Coarse String (1)
Rejuvenating Seasoned Inscription (1)

Make: 18 Rejuvenating Seasoned Wood Longbow



Seasoned Longbow Stave (1)
Coarse String (1)
Giver's Steel-Plated Inscription (1)

Make: 12 Giver's Soft Wood Longbow

Tier 4. Levels 225-300:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.

96 Jug of Water (8 per)

90 Platinum Ore (242 per)

108 Hard Wood Log (158 per)

45 Lump of Primordium (48 per)

32 Pile of Luminous Dust (569 per)

72 Smooth Scale (319 per)

16 Corrupted Shard (282 per)

400 Lucent Mote (69 per)

8 Symbol of Pain (1240 per)

Cost: 124980 (Rolling Total: 297618)


Make: 45 Darksteel Ingot

Make: 36 Hard Wood Plank

Make: 9 Darksteel Warhorn Mouthpiece

Make: 9 Darksteel Horn


Jug of Water (12)
Pile of Luminous Dust (4)

Make: 7 Artisan Maintenance Oil



Corrupted Shard (2)
Symbol of Pain (1)
Pile of Lucent Crystal (5)

Make: 7 Major Sigil of Icebrood Slaying


Make: 9 Darksteel Plated Dowel

Make: 9 Knight's Darksteel Plated Inscription


Darksteel Warhorn Mouthpiece (1)
Darksteel Horn (1)
Knight's Darksteel Plated Inscription (1)

Make: 8 Knight's Hard Wood Warhorn

Tier 5. Levels 300-400:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.

204 Mithril Ore (78 per)

276 Elder Wood Log (56 per)

19 Elder Wood Dowel (76 per)

12 Valkyrie Mithril Plated Inscription (995 per)

30 Large Scale (71 per)

87 Vial of Potent Blood (71 per)

15 Large Claw (73 per)

Cost: 54154 (Rolling Total: 351772)


Make:102 Mithril Ingot

Make: 92 Elder Wood Plank

Make: 33 Mithril Warhorn Mouthpiece

Make: 33 Mithril Horn

Make: 3 Elder Torch Handle

Make: 3 Mithril Torch Head


Make: 19 Berserker's Elder Inscription


Mithril Warhorn Mouthpiece (1)
Mithril Horn (1)
Berserker's Elder Inscription (1)

Make: 18 Berserker's Elder Wood Warhorn


Make: 10 Mithril Plated Dowel


Mithril Warhorn Mouthpiece (1)
Mithril Horn (1)
Valkyrie Mithril Plated Inscription (1)

Make: 11 Valkyrie Elder Wood Warhorn


Make: 2 Berserker's Mithril Imbued Inscription

Make: 2 Knight's Mithril Imbued Inscription

Make: 1 Assassin's Mithril Imbued Inscription


Mithril Warhorn Mouthpiece (1)
Mithril Horn (1)
Berserker's Mithril Imbued Inscription (1)


Mithril Warhorn Mouthpiece (1)
Mithril Horn (1)
Knight's Mithril Imbued Inscription (1)


Elder Torch Handle (1)
Mithril Torch Head (1)
Berserker's Mithril Imbued Inscription (1)


Elder Torch Handle (1)
Mithril Torch Head (1)
Knight's Mithril Imbued Inscription (1)


Elder Torch Handle (1)
Mithril Torch Head (1)
Assassin's Mithril Imbued Inscription (1)


Nothing. You are done!

Fast Guides: Huntsman - Guild Wars 2 Crafting Guide (2)

Fast Guides: Huntsman - Guild Wars 2 Crafting Guide (2024)


What is the max crafting level in gw2? ›

Each discipline has a maximum level of 500, except Jeweler and Scribe, which cap at 400. Generally, every 75 levels, access is granted to a new tier of recipes.

How do you learn more crafting recipes in Guild Wars 2? ›

Discovery is where you learn new recipes. Unlike other MMOs, you do not purchase new recipes from crafting trainers. Instead, you learn new recipes by combining at least 2-3 ingredients together. Not every combination of items is available for discovery.

How to discover recipe gw2? ›

Most basic component and refinement recipes are learned automatically by increasing the rank in a crafting discipline. Discovery. Most other recipes are learned by combining ingredients in the Discovery tab at a crafting station.

How do you make money crafting in gw2? ›

You can make a profit by crafting certain items and selling them on the Trading Post. Due to the nature of supply and demand, the most profitable items are always changing, so you'll have to put in some legwork to get the most out of this method. A relatively reliable source of income is crafting timegated items.

Is there a point to crafting in gw2? ›

Best gear in the game require crafting (legendary) lots of it and crafting ascended is a reliable option. You can make a ton of gold with crafting. But its not as straighforward. Easy to craft stuff and basic refinement is not really profitable.

What is the highest damage class in gw2? ›

Guild Wars 2: The Highest DPS Classes, Ranked
  • 8 Warrior.
  • 7 Mesmer.
  • 6 Necromancer.
  • 5 Guardian.
  • 4 Elementalist.
  • 3 Revenant.
  • 2 Ranger.
  • 1 Thief.
Jan 21, 2023

Is Gourmet Training worth it gw2? ›

5716. It's worth doing on character at least. You get one home instance garden plot where you can grow ascended herbs that are about 30s each and you unlock additional drops from random mobs.

How many skyscale food do I need? ›

12 required for the Skyscale Growing Comforts collection as part of Secrets of the Obscure.

How do you get Viper recipes in GW2? ›

According to the wiki it's only through personal story. Aurilium merchants give you the insignias. Post-tarir chests drop books that let you choose Viper's or Yassith's (Ascended Viper's) recipes. You can also buy the specific recipes from the tradepost.

How do you get ascended recipe GW2? ›

Ascended Armor may be crafted by level 500 Armorsmiths, Leatherworkers, and Tailors. Recipes can be bought from certain merchants (e.g. Master craftsmans) or obtained from opening certain containers or recipe books.

What is the best crafted gear in gw2? ›

Ascended gear is the best tier. It's significantly more expensive than exotic gear, as a full set is timegated and costs 200-400 gold to craft. However, it only offers a 12.5% damage increase over exotic gear.

What is the most expensive food in gw2? ›

Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup (usually shortened to BoSaSBnSS or Butternut Soup) is by far the most expensive food to purchase, but is the only top tier food with ferocity as well as power. While training, it may be in your best interests to use budget food instead, particularly the +100 Power foods.

What is the current max level in gw2? ›

The level cap in Guild Wars 2 is 80. Characters will have their power scaled down in areas designed for lower level players, to keep content somewhat challenging. All characters are scaled up to maximum level while participating in PvP.

What is the highest level in Pvz gw2? ›

You can level each character up to level 10, but the fun doesn't end there. After you reach that cap, you can promote your character up to five times in the stats room. This resets them back to Level 1 and gives them a cool new title.

What is the max level in Leatherworking gw2? ›

Apprentice150 - 224Leather, Noble
Journeyman225 - 299Rascal, Noble
Adept300 - 399Prowler, Noble
Master400 - 499Emblazoned
3 more rows

What is the max range in gw2? ›

The most common ranges are 130 (for most "melee" attacks) and 1200 (for most "long-range" attacks). The only weapons in this table with more than 1200 range are the Ranger's longbow and Deadeye's rifle (while Kneeling), with 1500. (The engineer Elite Mortar Kit also has 1500 range.)

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.