Coico Ico
One day, Tsukimachi Yamato—who dreamed of becoming a teacher since high school—comes across a familiar name on his class roster: Komiya Isshin, the name of his best friend who fell into a coma during their senior year. Isshin states that he woke up two years ago, did his rehabilitation, and transferred into the class to get a restart on his high school life. After this dreamlike reunion, though now as teacher and student, the two decide to go through their bucket list of things they werent able to do before they graduated.
School Life
Slice of Life
One day, Tsukimachi Yamato—who dreamed of becoming a teacher since high school—comes across a familiar name on his class roster: Komiya Isshin, the name of his best friend who fell into a coma during their senior year. Isshin states that he woke up two years ago, did his rehabilitation, and transferred into the class to get a restart on his high school life. After this dreamlike reunion, though now as teacher and student, the two decide to go through their bucket list of things they werent able to do before they graduated.
School Life
Slice of Life
Comments 2
Chapters 6
One day, Tsukimachi Yamato—who dreamed of becoming a teacher since high school—comes across a familiar name on his class roster: Komiya Isshin, the name of his best friend who fell into a coma during their senior year. Isshin states that he woke up two years ago, did his rehabilitation, and transferred into the class to get a restart on his high school life. After this dreamlike reunion, though now as teacher and student, the two decide to go through their bucket list of things they werent able to do before they graduated.
❤️ Come in, I'll show you my tits:
Sep 25, 2024
I can't wait to feel the way your touch sets my entire body on fire. Let's see if we can turn up the heat together. f1nd me on patsyrolon_mooo_com change _ to dot
Jul 07, 2024
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The series Matataki No Ao Wo Tadotte contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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