Who Is 8003359251 And Why Are They Calling Me? (2024)

Who Is 8003359251 And Why Are They Calling Me? (1)

Main phone number related with this page is: 8773661642

Midland Credit Management (MCM), a legitimate debt collection agency, often makes calls from 8003359251. If these calls come your way, verify the debt before engaging. Check your credit report for any MCM collections and dispute any inaccuracies immediately.

Don't let constant calls from 8003359251 stress you out. Block the number to reduce harassment and document every unwanted interaction. Register your number at donotcall.gov, use your phone's blocking features, or try apps like 'Call Blocker' for Android and 'RoboKiller' for Apple. If harassment continues, report it to the FCC, FTC, and CFPB, and consider sending a cease and desist letter.

For a stress-free resolution, contact a reputable credit repair company like The Credit Pros. Call us at 800-411-3050 for a no-pressure conversation about your entire 3-bureau credit report. We'll help you navigate the complexities of your unique situation, ensuring you regain control over your credit health and peace of mind.

Who Is 8003359251: Scam Or Legitimate

The number 8003359251 belongs to Midland Credit Management (MCM), a legitimate debt collection agency. However, you shouldn't worry - we're here to help you navigate this situation.

You shouldn't engage with the caller, even if it's legitimate. Remember, you're not obligated to pay immediately if you're unsure about the debt. Here's what we advise you to do:

• Pull your credit report as soon as possible. We can help you check for any suspicious negative items that might be hurting your score.

• If you see MCM as a collection on your report, it's likely a real call. But don't feel pressured to respond right away.

• Let us help you verify any debt from MCM, challenge potentially inaccurate negatives, and improve your financial outlook.

• We've assisted many people in dealing with these types of calls. You can count on our support every step of the way.

• Block the number to reduce stress and gain more control over the situation.

We understand this can be stressful, but you don't have to face it alone. Give us a call for a free 3-bureau credit report evaluation. We'll examine your report, identify any issues, and create a plan to get your finances back on track.

To wrap things up, remember that you have options and support available. You can take control of this situation by verifying the debt, addressing any inaccuracies, and working with us to improve your financial standing. Don't let this call stress you out - we're here to help you navigate through this and come out stronger on the other side.

How Do I Stop 8003359251 From Harassing Me (How To Report Them)

To stop 8003359251 from harassing you and report them, you should follow these steps:

First, you need to document all unwanted interactions. Keep a detailed log of calls or messages, noting dates, times, and any abusive language. This will help you build a strong case if needed.

Next, you should register your number at DoNotCall.gov. It only takes about 2 minutes and can help reduce unwanted calls.

We strongly advise you to block the number. You can use your phone's built-in call-blocking feature or contact your service provider for help. If you need extra protection, try apps like 'Call Blocker - Stop spam calls' for Android or 'Robokiller: Spam Call Blocker' for Apple.

If the harassment continues, you might need to take more serious steps:

• Consider getting a restraining order
• Hire a harassment lawyer for legal aid
• Send a cease and desist letter (you can find a template at eforms.com/cease-and-desist/)

It's crucial that you report the harassment to the proper authorities:

• File a complaint with the FCC at fcc.gov/complaints
• Report to the FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov or DoNotCall.gov
• Submit a complaint to the CFPB at consumerfinance.gov/complaint or call (855) 411-2372

If you use Nomorobo, you can report unwanted robocalls directly through their platform. Don't forget to contact your phone carrier about call-blocking tools and options they might offer.

Lastly, check with your local or state consumer protection offices for additional resources and complaint mechanisms.

To finish up, remember you're not alone in this. By taking these steps, you're protecting yourself and potentially helping others who might be experiencing similar harassment. Stay strong and persistent – you've got this!

Stop the harassment today. Reach out to us for expert help. Call (888) 488-5855

Should I Block Or Ignore 8003359251

You should block 8003359251 to stop potential harassment. We understand this can be stressful, but taking action is crucial. Blocking won't hurt your credit score or have negative consequences.

Here's what we advise you to do:

• Block the number immediately
• Don't engage with the caller
• Work with a reputable credit repair company

If you ignore the calls, you might receive continuous disruptions throughout your day. By blocking, you put yourself in control. You'll reduce stress and can focus on improving your financial situation.

Remember, your score won't drop just because you block them. If there's already a collection on your report, it can't harm your score further.

We recommend that you partner with a credit repair company to handle any inaccuracies. They can help you remove potentially incorrect negative items from your report. This proactive approach empowers you to take charge of your credit health.

To wrap things up, you should block 8003359251, avoid engaging with the caller, and consider working with a credit repair company. These steps will help you regain control and peace of mind.

Can A Debt Collector Like 8003359251 Sue Me

Yes, a debt collector like 8003359251 can sue you, but it's very unlikely. You should know that lawsuits are typically a last resort for debt collectors. They usually happen when you owe a substantial amount, often over $5,000.

If a debt collector decides to sue you, they must prove you owe the debt, the amount is correct, and they have the legal right to sue. You should understand that suing is expensive and time-consuming for them, so many prefer to settle out of court.

Every state has a statute of limitations on debt collection. This means there's a specific time frame within which you can be sued for a debt. If your debt is old, it might be beyond this period, making a lawsuit less likely.

You'll find that debt collectors generally use calls and letters first to collect the debt. If they do decide to sue, you will receive a court summons and complaint. It's crucial that you respond within the deadline to avoid a default judgment, which could lead to wage garnishment or bank account levies, although this is also very unlikely.

You have rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). This law protects you from abusive or deceptive practices by debt collectors. We advise you to consider these points:

• You can request debt validation to ensure the debt is legitimate
• You have the right to dispute inaccurate information
• You can ask the debt collector to stop contacting you

To finish up, if you receive a lawsuit, we strongly recommend that you consult with an attorney. They can help you understand your options and defenses, ensuring you're well-prepared to handle the situation.

Worried about legal action? Call now to understand your rights. Call (888) 488-5855

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Let Professionals help you find and dispute potentially inaccurate negative items hurting your score

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8003359251 Might Have Your Personal Information

If 8003359251 might have your personal information, you should never provide any details to debt collectors like this one. It's crucial that you don't even answer their calls. By engaging with them, you risk exposing more of your personal information.

Instead, we recommend you take these steps:

• Get your 3-bureau credit report to check your credit status
• Start building a comprehensive plan to improve your credit
• Work with a reputable credit repair company

A credit repair company can be your best bet because they'll help you handle inaccuracies or disputes on your credit report. They'll ensure you're taking the right steps to maintain or boost your credit score.

Remember, you should document any suspicious activity you notice. It's also important that you block suspicious numbers to protect your identity and personal information.

To wrap things up, you've got the power to take control of this situation. By following these steps, you're not just protecting yourself - you're also setting yourself up for a stronger financial future. You've got this!

Protect your personal information. Speak with our experts today. Call (888) 488-5855

Types Of Debt Collected By 8003359251

Midland Credit Management (MCM), associated with the number 8003359251, typically collects various types of unsecured debts. When you receive a call from this number, you should be aware that they might be trying to collect on:

• Credit card balances
• Unpaid medical bills
• Personal loan defaults
• Overdue utility bills
• Other consumer debts

You need to understand that MCM often purchases these debts from original creditors who've given up on collecting themselves. It's crucial that you verify any debt they claim you owe before taking action. Don't provide personal financial information or make payments without proper verification.

When MCM contacts you, you should:

• Ask for written verification of the debt
• Check your credit report for accuracy
• Consider consulting a credit counselor or attorney

If you're unsure about a debt's legitimacy, you have the right to request detailed information. MCM must provide proof of the debt before you make any payments.

To wrap things up, remember that you're in control of your financial situation. Don't let debt collectors intimidate you. Stay informed, verify all claims, and seek professional advice if needed. You've got this!

How Do I Check If I Owe Money To 8003359251

Here's how you can check if you owe money to 800-335-9251:

You should start by reviewing your personal records. Look for any final bills, account statements, or equipment return receipts you may have. This helps you verify if you had any unresolved debts.

Next, you need to get a copy of your credit report and examine it carefully. Look for any debts listed under Midland Credit Management (MCM). This can help you identify any outstanding balances.

If you find a debt listed or suspect an error, we advise you to request a debt validation from the collections agency. This requires them to provide proof that the debt is yours.

It's crucial that you avoid direct contact with the collector. If you call them, you might reset the statute of limitations on old debts. Instead, use written communication where necessary.

If you're experiencing harassment or disputes, you should consider consulting a consumer protection lawyer. They can provide expert guidance tailored to your situation.

• You should gather as much documentation as possible from your own records.
• Review your credit reports thoroughly for any listed debts.
• Use written communication to protect yourself legally.

To wrap things up, remember that you're in control of this situation. By following these steps, you can effectively check if you owe money and protect your financial interests.

Need to verify your debts? Contact us for a thorough check. Call (888) 488-5855

Which Debt Collection Laws And Regulations Protect Me From 8003359251

When dealing with 8003359251, you're protected by several debt collection laws, primarily the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). This federal law shields you from abusive, deceptive, or unfair practices by debt collectors. Here's what you need to know:

The FDCPA prohibits collectors from:
• Contacting you at inconvenient times (before 8 AM or after 9 PM)
• Calling you at work if your employer forbids it
• Using abusive language or threats of violence
• Harassing you with repeated or continuous calls
• Falsely claiming to be attorneys or government agents
• Discussing your debt with third parties without your consent
• Demanding payments larger than legally permitted

You have the right to:
• Receive a written validation notice with details about the debt
• Dispute the debt within 30 days, which pauses collection until it's verified
• Request in writing that the collector stops contacting you
• Have the collector communicate only with your attorney if you have one
• Sue for FDCPA violations and potentially recover damages and attorney fees

We recommend you familiarize yourself with these rights and use them if necessary. Many states offer additional protections, so it's worth checking your local laws too. If you're unsure about your situation, don't hesitate to consult an attorney or your state attorney general's office.

To finish up, remember that you have the power to protect yourself from unfair debt collection practices. By knowing your rights and taking action when needed, you can effectively manage interactions with debt collectors and maintain control of your financial situation.

Professionals can help you with your score

Let Professionals help you find and dispute potentially inaccurate negative items hurting your score

Call (888) 488-5855

Does 8003359251/Midland Credit Management (Mcm) Have Any Lawsuits Against Them

Yes, Midland Credit Management (MCM) has faced several lawsuits. You should be aware of the following legal actions against them:

• A class action lawsuit in the New York Southern District alleges MCM and Midland Funding LLC violated federal law with misleading collection notices.

• Elizabeth Rios sued MCM, but the court dismissed the case due to inadequate justification for delays.

• In Delaware Federal District Court, a class action lawsuit claims MCM used deceptive practices regarding "time-barred" debt.

We want you to know that MCM has also faced regulatory actions. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) filed a proposed final judgment to settle a lawsuit accusing MCM of violating consent orders and financial protection laws.

These legal issues show that MCM has been involved in multiple complaints about their debt collection practices. You should be cautious when dealing with this company. To finish up, if you're contacted by MCM, we advise you to verify the debt's legitimacy and consider seeking legal advice to protect your rights.

What Do People Online Say About 8003359251

People online report that calls from 800-335-9251 are typically from Midland Credit Management (MCM), a debt collection agency. You might receive these calls if you have an unresolved debt. Here's what you should know:

• You'll likely hear about a past due amount when you answer.
• Multiple users confirm it's MCM trying to collect on debts.
• Many people express caution about these calls, even if they seem legitimate.

If you receive a call from this number, it's crucial that you approach it carefully. Don't immediately assume it's a scam, but don't provide personal information right away either. You should verify the debt's legitimacy before taking any action.

We understand that debt collection calls can be stressful. Here's what we advise you to do:

1. Ask for written verification of the debt.
2. Don't share personal or financial information over the phone.
3. Research your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

To finish up, remember that you're in control of how you handle these calls. You can choose to block the number if it's causing you stress, but addressing the underlying issue is often the best long-term solution. We're here to help you navigate this situation with confidence.

Do I Really Need To Remove 8003359251 From My Credit Report

Yes, you really need to remove 8003359251 from your credit report if it's potentially inaccurate. We understand this can be stressful, but don't worry - we're here to help you through it.

You should avoid typical credit repair companies as they're often scammy and ineffective. While disputing on your own is an option, it can be time-consuming and draining. Instead, we recommend you save yourself hours by reaching out to a reputable company for help. A good credit repair firm, though rare, can make a huge difference in your situation.

Here's what we advise you to do:

• Confirm that the collection is actually on your report
• Check if it's potentially inaccurate
• Skip the DIY route - it's a hassle
• Avoid sketchy credit repair services
• Contact a trustworthy company like The Credit Pros for assistance

We know dealing with collections can be overwhelming, but you don't have to face this alone. Let us guide you through removing this item and improving your credit. With the right help, you can clean up your report and boost your score.

To finish up, remember that you have the power to take control of your financial future. Don't let potentially inaccurate information hold you back - take action today and let us help you protect your credit score.

Wondering if you should remove this number from your report? Speak with us to find out. Call (888) 488-5855

Here are other formats 8003359251 can be written

- +1 800-335-9251
- +1 (800) 335-9251
- +1 800 335 9251
- (800) 335-9251
- 800-335-9251
- 800.335.9251
- 800 335 9251
- +18003359251
- (800) 335-9251
- 800.335.9251
- 8003359251

Professionals can help you with your score

Let Professionals help you find and dispute potentially inaccurate negative items hurting your score

Call (888) 488-5855

List of every other phone number that Midland Credit Management (MCM) uses:

Every number you see below is separate number that ‘Collection’ uses to attempt to collect a potentially inaccurate debt on your credit report and/or spam you.

  • 6193543046
  • 8003142173
  • 6023574100
  • 8662043941
  • 5405460824
  • 8882062080
  • 8773661520
  • 6234627104
  • 3202075189
  • 9476668604
  • 8003514262
  • 8003514604
  • 8002045785
  • 8003575129
  • 8882440151
  • 8002513164
  • 8002896435
  • 8002903072
  • 8002965598
  • 8003089532
  • 8003411437
  • 8003586281
  • 8002763612
  • 8003412145
  • 8002903079
  • 8002904014
  • 8003234459
  • 8003594107
  • 8003539070
  • 8003607315
  • 8007879437
  • 8002972365
  • 8009037696
  • 5405460131
  • 8002902187
  • 8003367109
  • 8003584172
  • 8002960721
  • 8003347724
  • 8003359251
  • 8003584153
  • 8009398164
  • 8009401246
  • 8773206816
  • 8882392704
  • 8882273051
  • 8003519596
  • 8003139047
  • 4805426709
  • 8003151907
  • 8003318859
  • 8003360958
  • 8002571620
  • 8002406202
  • 8002754285
  • 8002843229
  • 8882279302
  • 8882391044
  • 3202075126
  • 8009145582
  • 8002763690
  • 8008902924
  • 8002192858
  • 8002762317
  • 8882261940
  • 8008870224
  • 8003138967
  • 8003141961
  • 8002189570
  • 8002763571
  • 8002990523
  • 8003145524
  • 8002967408
  • 8008898740
  • 8007727153
  • 8003079341
  • 2482766646
  • 6234627107
  • 8004593186
  • 6193544038
  • 8008879441
  • 8882269760
  • 8002763214
  • 6233529406
  • 2087193271
  • 8003518015
  • 8002241591
  • 5405460395
  • 8175873877
Who Is 8003359251 And Why Are They Calling Me? (2024)


Whose number is 800 335 9251? ›

(800) 335-9251 is a Robocall.

What happens if you answer a spam call and say hello? ›

When you respond, it notifies the robocaller that the number is active. When a number is active, it can be sold to telemarketers for a higher price, leading to more unwanted calls. The scammer might record your “Yes” response to voice-authorize charges to an account.

What happens if you answer a spam call and say yes? ›

By responding “yes,” people notify robo-callers that their number is an active telephone number that can be sold to other telemarketers for a higher price. This then leads to more unwanted calls.

Why shouldn't you answer robocalls? ›

If you accidentally answer a spam call, scammers know your number is connected to a real person and can target you with more spam calls. These targeted spam calls will try to trick you into giving up your personal information which allows cybercriminals to steal your money, your identity and even your voice.

How do you find out who really called you? ›

To trace a call from an unknown number, use star codes like *69 and *57, contact your phone company directly, or use specialist third-party apps. You can then call the unknown number back or block it. Before you use tools and services to unmask your caller, check if they've left a voicemail.

Is 800 a spam number? ›

Is an 800 Area Code a Scam or Fraud? While the 1-800 numbers themselves are legitimate, and call recipients will expect them to belong to a business or support center, it's important to note that scammers can spoof numbers.

Will my phone be hacked if I answer an unknown call? ›

You receive unknown calls and texts

Your phone can't be hacked just with a regular call — but phone hackers can use fake text messages to infect your phone, and suspicious no caller ID calls may be part of a wider ploy to access your device.

Is it better to decline or ignore spam calls? ›

It's better to ignore spam calls. When you decline a call, it can alert the spammer that your phone number is active, prompting them to call you again. If you use a call-blocking tool that uses caller ID, you should never answer calls labelled as spam.

What happens if you call back a spam number? ›

You could get your phone number spoofed

Because a scammer knows your phone number is legitimate after you've called a spam number back, they could spoof your phone number. Spoofing attacks over the phone trick people into thinking they are answering a familiar number.

Can someone steal your information by answering a call? ›

Your phone can't be hacked from your number alone, although there are some zero-click attacks that can install malware even if you don't answer a call or click a text. Usually, to hack a phone, scammers need targets to take some action, like clicking a malicious link or downloading an infected app.

What are some signs that a phone call is actually a scammer? ›

Use of high-pressure sales tactics and “limited-time” offers. Reluctance to answer questions about the business or the offer. Request that you “confirm your personal information” Request payment by means other than credit card –including cash, gift card, wire transfer or private courier.

What happens if you press 2 on a spam call? ›

Robocalls sometimes prompt you to take action, such as “press 1 to speak to a live representative” or “press 2 to unsubscribe” and so on. By following instructions, you confirm to the robocallers that you are a potential victim and invite further robocalls. Try to avoid taking any action.

What numbers should you avoid answering? ›

Ignore calls from 3-digit international area codes that are likely to be scams, including 232, 268, 284, 473, 664, 649, 767, 809, 829, 849, and 876. Be wary of calls from unknown numbers with your own area code. These may be international caller ID spoof scams that appear local.

Does ignoring robocalls make them stop? ›

The big idea. More than 80% of robocalls come from fake numbers – and answering these calls or not has no effect on how many more you'll get.

What happens if you answer a spam call but don't say anything? ›

You'll be targeted by even more scammers

Answering just one spam call is a signal to scammers that you are willing to pick up the phone. So they'll keep calling you, sometimes from different phone numbers, trying to get you to answer again. They'll try different schemes, too, as they think you might be an easy target.

How do you find out who is calling from an 800 number? ›

Easiest method: Search for the number on Google, Bing, or another search engine. Or use an 800 number directory website like Whitepages, 800-numbers.net, or 800ForAll.com. Look up the number on social media, or use a social network search engine like Social Searcher.

How can you tell if a number is a spam number? ›

Number doesn't match the caller ID name (e.g., says a big company but has a local number) Claims to be from a government agency like the IRS or FBI (they won't call you out of the blue) Caller ID shows "Scam Likely" or "Spam Risk" (your carrier has flagged it as potential spam)

How can I find who a telephone number belongs to? ›

How to Find Phone Number Owner? 5 Free Methods
  1. Method 1: Use a Reverse Phone Lookup Service.
  2. Method 2: Using Truecaller App.
  3. Method 3: Find Phone Numbers on Social Media.
  4. Method 4: Check the Phone Number on the White Page Directories.
  5. Method 5: Contact Phone Carrier.
Jun 27, 2024

How do I look up a phone number to see who is calling me for free? ›

For unlimited and free phone number lookup, you should download the Truecaller app to get access to call identification as well as automatic spam detection and blocking.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.